JavaFx – Client platform for desktop applications in Java. It provides a wide range of dynamic components, graphs, 3D rendering and element styling using CSS. The platform enables the building of high-performance applications, such as:
◦ reception application for ordering clients,
◦ management application for managing individual clinics,
◦ medical application for recording medical treatment records,
◦ various other applications ensuring the smooth running of a company.
Spring Boot & Test – A reliable IoC container to achieve a "loosely coupled" system, supports design patterns. Uniform and clear configuration of components, testing of individual components.
JUnit, TestFx, Mockito and AssertJ – A basic suite of tools designed for automated component tests, integration and end-to-end tests.
OkHttp – Modern communication library also enabling file transfer and WebSockets support.
Gson – A library intended for serialization and deserialization of Java objects into the JSON format and back.
Wacom – A library intended for recording digital signatures of informed consents and other document.
Maven – A tool for compiling projects in a single, clearly defined path with support for custom plugins applicable to local builds or CI/CD processes.
GitHub actions & Artifactory – Fully automated CI/CD build creation process, automated tests, upload to storage and application deployment.